Archive for the 'Random Stuff' Category

Epping Walking Bridge, Manchester UK

Tuesday, March 5th, 2024

Bucket list item checked – visit this bridge.

Dr. Albert Gutowsky

Sunday, January 8th, 2023

There are two serendipitous things that happened from my sophomore year in high school to freshman year in college that put me down a path in software engineering. The first one was from an after school job in a law office. WordPerfect 5.1 on DOS was the word processing program that ruled the world at […]

So I Took a Huge Corporation to Arbitration. This is How it Went.

Sunday, February 27th, 2022

It went pretty well. Last Fall, my hot water heater started to leak. I called my home warranty company, (Hereafter, HWC. I KNOW, I KNOW, HOME WARRANTIES ARE NOT WORTH IT.) and due to a computer system failure that spanned multiple days, they were unable to send a contractor to fix my water heater. With […]